Saturday, May 30, 2015

Kraut fail

Somehow, I grew up not liking sauerkraut. I'm still not a fan of the straight up kraut, but one of the local krauteries (kraut peddlers? artisan kraut monger?) does this carrot/cabbage/mustard seed kraut which is fabulous. See the beautiful sandwich for more.

But I discovered a couple of weeks ago that they've stopped making it, at least for awhile, since they're focused on more seasonal things. Which leaves me no choice but to figure out how to make it myself.

I've resisted fermenting my own food, because I'm an absent minded cook most of the time, and fermentation seems more on the science than the art side of the fence. However, necessity is the mother of invention. Or hopefully, the mother of paying attention and trying til it goes right.

First try: I had some brine from the last batch of stuff I bought from the market, so I took a basic kraut recipe with cabbage and carrots, and added the brine. And then I stuck a lid on it. (Absent minded cook - I did read the recipe, but not closely enough, apparently.) Figured out my mistake about two days later. I'm not sure if that's what the problem was with this batch, or it was the leftover brine. After a week, it's not scary looking or anything - just smells a bit off. So into the garbage, and onto the second try.

Fingers crossed.
Next time, I'll read the recipe more carefully.

It started off so well.